ADNOC Sponsoring Investor Conference in UAE
The story talks about ADNOC Group sponsoring an important conference on investing The conference will be held in Abu Dhabi in December. It will discuss best practices for companies when talking to investors.
ADNOC is sponsoring the conference to support better rules for talking to investors. Some of ADNOC companies will be there to meet investors directly. This is because investors are interested in the economy and markets of the Gulf countries.
An ADNOC financial officer said sponsoring the conference will help the markets in Gulf countries grow ADNOC has helped grow these markets through successful stock market launches of its companies.
The conference organization called MEIRA also helps markets grow It promotes better rules for transparency when talking to investors ADNOC supports MEIRA work to develop strong and fair financial markets.
ADNOC's support will help continue developing good rules for speaking to investors It will also encourage open conversation between companies and investors This helps markets and economies improve.
The conference is a good chance for investors to directly talk to ADNOC subsidiary companies It shows ADNOC commitment to supporting open investment markets in the region.
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