UAE's Remarkable Rise in Global Competitiveness: A Testament to Visionary Leadership


In the 2024 World Competitiveness Report, the UAE now ranks 7th. This demonstrates the visionary leadership and strategic initiatives in the country that drive its development. This position is remarkable for the fact that nations like Norway, Iceland or Japan have been overtaken, emphasizing UAE’s dedication to promoting a strong economic environment and promoting innovation within different industries. His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum’s recognition of the collaborative efforts between government, economy, and development sectors, underscores a common resolve to ensure UAE remains competitive in international competition as can be witnessed from her top ratios on employment, internet penetration and ability of governments to change(nationally or locally).

The recent IMD World Competitiveness Report has brought up the strong performance of the UAE in terms of economic, administrative as well as social indicators in addition to showing how it has managed to overcome global challenges.Through strong infrastructure investments and dedication to sustainable development policies, UAE has become a global leader in promoting long-term wealth through prudent use of its capital and property tax regime together with the management of immigration laws and urban planning. Moreover, the country’s economic leadership role has continued to inspire other developing countries including Africa with its bold provisions on economic self-sufficiency.


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