UAE Enacts Groundbreaking Mental Health Law to Protect Employment Rights and Ensure Workplace Inclusion


There has recently been introduced a noteworthy law by the United Arab Emirates in relation to mental health – that being Federal Law No.(10) of 2023 on Mental Health- in which certain employment rights will be provided for those suffering from mental illnesses. The act, effective from Thursday onwards, guarantees employees identified with such ailments cannot be sacked or restricted at work simply due to their mental condition. Psychiatric patients cannot be acted against regarding employment until they are supported by a report from a specialized medical committee according to the law and shall also be in harmony with already existing state laws. The aim of the move is to govern relationships between the patients and employers for fairness at work places.

Beyond employment protection, the law also mandates the confidentiality of psychiatric patients' information and safeguards them from degrading treatment and various forms of exploitation, including financial, physical, and sexual abuse. In recognizing disturbances of thought, in mood, and thus in behavior as well as perception and memory, as mental disorders, the UAE has set an example for inclusive workplace practices that honor the dignity and rights of persons with mental health problems; this liberal statute conforms with global psychiatric classifications and establishes a strong case for enhancing respect for countless human rights dimensions including mental health within its national territories.


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