UAE President Meets with World Leaders at G20 Summit


Guess who's been making some power moves at the G20 Summit in New Delhi? UAE President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan!  He had some serious sit-downs with world leaders to chat about trade, tech, climate change, and more.

Joined by UAE Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Dubai Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, and other top leaders, they're really showing the UAE's global clout.

The UAE has been part of the G20 crew for a while, even hosting the summit twice before.

Sheikh Mohamed didn't stop at global politics – he talked youth empowerment and education for a brighter future.

The meetings between Sheikh Mohamed and the world leaders are a sign of the UAE's growing global role and its commitment to working with other countries to address common challenges.

Big kudos to UAE for stepping up on the world stage!


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