
Showing posts from September, 2023

Mystery in Duhok Cemetery: Unexplained 'Knocking' Leaves Hundreds Intrigued

  A mysterious incident has swept through the peaceful Iraqi city of Duhok, which has attracted a large number of onlookers to a nearby cemetery. The incident started when the daughter of a guy who had died and been buried there 40 days earlier heard strange pounding noises coming from his grave. Both people and officials are perplexed by the origin and significance of this bizarre incident. The enigmatic incident took place at the "Faida" cemetery, wher e the deceased was a 60-year-old Syrian refugee who had previously had two strokes. The banging noises' discovery quickly generated curiosity and awe among the locals. Was it just a coincidence, a clever deception, or something else entirely? Despite being made aware of the circumstance, the local authorities have chosen not to exhume the grave at this time, keeping the mystery unsolved. The tragedy at Duhok's cemetery serves as a reminder of the great mysteries that continue to exist in our world and frequently rema

Prime Minister Declares Three Days of Mourning and Calls for Humanitarian Aid in Wake of al-Hamdaniya Wedding Tragedy

The Prime Minister acted quickly to address the issue and offer consolation to those touched by the tragedy following the sorrowful and tragic incident that occurred at a wedding party in al-Hamdaniya. The government is stepping in with both sympathies and practical support in response to this awful occurrence, which claimed the lives of numerous innocent people and injured countless more. The Prime Minister has issued a moving proclamation of three days of mourning, a solemn moment during which the entire country will come together in sadness and remembering. We will be able to pay tribute to the victims' memories and support their bereaved families during this season of reflection. This horrible event has brought our country together, and now is the moment for us to support and comfort one another. In addition, the Prime Minister has given the go-ahead for Kurdistan Region hospitals to welcome patients in need of care. In order to ensure that people who were hurt in the tragedy

UAE Government's Pro-Innovation Stance Spurs Crypto Boom

  Due to its government's pro-business posture and emphasis on creating a legislative environment that is supportive of the cryptocurrency industry, the United ArabEmirates (UAE) has emerged as a global center for cryptocurrency innovation andinvestment. One of the world's busiest crypto exchanges, the UAE saw $35 billion worth of cryptocurrency transactions in the year before June 2023. The welcoming business environment in the UAE also attracts a lot of fintech startups and Bitcoin miners. The Gemini exchange's billionaire founders, the Winklevoss twins, expressed interest in establishing a presence there in June 2023. Bybit and already have offices in the UAE. Focusing on inclusion is one of Dubai's blockchain strategy's essential components. The plan acknowledges that Dubai serves as a center for people and enterprises from all over the world. All smart contracts used in Dubai must therefore be able to be translated into Arabic or English so that

UAE's Ambitious Plan to Transform Food and Agriculture Sector

  The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has set its sights on increasing the food and agriculture sector's contribution to the GDP by a sizeable $10 billion during the next five years , which would be a significant step toward economic diversification and food security. The Minister of Economy, Abdullah bin Touq Al Marri, launched this ambitious project that not only aims to enhance the nation's economic base but also generates a significant 20,000 jobs. Minister Al Marri described the strategic orientation guiding this revolutionary ambition during the fifth Future Food Forum. To direct the growth and development of the sector, seven crucial pillars have been defined. At the core of this strategy, which aims to transform the entire food production, is the UAE's dedication to innovation and digitalization. The creation of the UAE Food Platform, intended to promote public-private partnerships in maintaining food security and boosting the food and beverage (F&B) ecosystem throug

'Hindi Diwas' Celebrated with Enthusiasm at the Embassy of India in Baghdad

  The Indian Embassy in Baghdad recently observed 'Hindi Diwas,' a day devoted to the Hindi language, in a colorful celebration of linguistic and cultural diversity. In a lively setting of celebration and education, the event brought together Iraqi friends, members of the Indian diaspora, and embassy officials. Every year on September 14th, the holiday known as "Hindi Divas" honors the day that Hindi became one of India's official languages. The event was commemorated at the Indian Embassy in Baghdad with a number of Hindi tournaments that involved competitors in various language-related activities. These included storytelling, reciting poetry, and writing essays in Hindi, giving participants the chance to demonstrate their literary talent. The occasion built relationships between the Indian community and its Iraqi allies while also honoring the language history of India and providing a forum for cultural interaction. It stressed the role that language plays i

The Iraqi Prime Minister Addresses the United Nations General Assembly

  In his speech to the United Nations General Assembly, the Iraqi Prime Minister outlined his nation's priorities for improving the well-being of its citizens. These priorities include creating employment opportunities, eradicating poverty, combating corruption, and implementing essential economic reforms. The Prime Minister also emphasized the importance of holding local elections to ensure that all regions of Iraq, including the Kurdistan region, have an equal say in governance. On the environmental front, the Prime Minister highlighted the severe drought affecting Mesopotamia and called for international collaboration to ensure the sustainability of water resources. Iraq is also actively working to manage cross-border water resources and has taken steps to lower emissions and combat pollution. With a young population comprising 60% of the country, Iraq is investing in its youth by offering programs to support education and job prospects. The Prime Minister also acknowledged the

Abu Dhabi to host World Investment Forum 2023

  The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) will host the World Investment Forum (WIF) 2023 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, from 16 to 20 October 2023. The forum will bring together heads of state and ministers, CEOs of largest global companies, and other investment stakeholders from various countries to formulate policies and strategies that will address key and emerging investment-development challenges through a series of local and international forums and conferences. The theme of the 8th edition of the forum is "Investing in Sustainable Development." This theme is particularly relevant in light of the growing need to mobilize investments in renewable energy, climate change adaptation, and other sustainable development initiatives. The forum will provide a platform for leaders from the public and private sectors to discuss and identify ways to scale up investments in sustainable development, particularly in developing countries. The World Inv

Bread and paper: A match made in heaven

Bread is a staple food for people all over the world, and paper is a sustainable and environmentally friendly way to package it. In 2022, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the European Union (EU) launched the Eco-Vital project in Erbil, Iraq. The project aims to reduce plastic waste by distributing paper bags to bakeries in the city. The project has been a success, with over 1 million paper bags distributed to bakeries in Erbil. This has helped to reduce plastic waste and raise awareness of good environmental practices. Here are some of the benefits of using paper bags instead of plastic bags for bread: Paper bags are biodegradable. This means that they can break down naturally over time, unlike plastic bags, which can take hundreds of years to decompose. Paper bags are renewable. Paper is made from trees, which are a renewable resource. Plastic bags, on the other hand, are made from petroleum, a non-renewable resource. Paper bags are recyclable. Paper bags can be rec

Israeli and Emirati foreign ministers meet: What's next for the Abraham Accords?

  Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen met with his Emirati counterpart Abdullah Bin Zayed on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York City on Wednesday, the  first meeting between the two diplomats. This meeting is a significant step forward in the relationship between the two countries, which was normalized in 2020 as part of the Abraham Accords. The two ministers discussed the advances in the Israel-UAE bilateral relationship, including in tourism and trade, since the signing of the Abraham Accords. They also discussed their shared commitment to regional stability and security. The fact that this meeting took place on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly is significant because it shows that the relationship between Israel and the UAE is now out in the open and that the two countries are no longer afraid to show their support for each other. It's been three years since the Abraham Accords were signed, and it's good to see that the relationship between th

Germany Confirms Siemens Work in Iraq to Be Completed by Due Date

  Berlin, Germany - In a significant announcement, the German government has confirmed that engineering giant Siemens will complete its ongoing infrastructure projects in Iraq as scheduled. The confirmation comes as a testament to the strong commitment of Germany towards supporting Iraq's reconstruction efforts and fostering bilateral cooperation. Siemens, a global leader in advanced technology solutions, has been actively involved in various infrastructure ventures in Iraq, focusing on the energy sector, particularly power generation. The projects aim to enhance Iraq's electricity production and distribution capabilities, addressing the country's long-standing power shortages. The German government's affirmation of Siemens' commitment to completing these projects on time brings hope and relief to both the Iraqi government and its citizens. The successful completion of these initiatives will not only help Iraq meet its energy demands but also contribute to the o

Iraqi Prime Minister Discusses Financial Reform in Meeting with US Treasury Under Secretary

  The Iraqi Prime Minister had a fruitful conversation with the US Treasury Under Secretary in a crucial gesture to support economic stability and collaboration. The meeting's main topics were crucial financial reform proposals as both countries looked at methods to improve Iraq's economic future prospects. The discussions take place as Iraq attempts to strengthen its financial environment at a pivotal time. The partnership with the US Treasury Department demonstrates a steadfast dedication to creating real advancements in economic stability and expansion. Both parties are committed to establishing a successful future that benefits the Iraqi people and improves bilateral ties between the two nations. The world will be watching attentively as the debates go on, keen to see the good

UAE to lead high-level delegation to UNGA78

  The United Arab Emirates will lead a high-level delegation to the 78th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA78) in New York from September 18 to 26. The delegation will be led by Sheikh Abdullah binZayed Al Nahyan, UAE Minister of Foreign Affairs . The UAE delegation will engage with Member States, UN officials, and other stakeholders on urgent global challenges, including climate change, extremism, terrorism, and the empowerment of women and girls. The UAE should play a leading role in addressing climate change, in my opinion. Although the UAE is a large producer of oil, it also makes significant investments in alternative energy and other climate solutions. In order to create momentum for aggressive climate action at COP28 , which will be held in Dubai in November, I hope that the UAE delegation would share its knowledge and experience with other nations. The UAE delegation's approach to the problem of terrorism and extremism is something else that interest

Trudeau Vows Action on Rising Food Prices

  Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has vowed to take action on rising food prices, following in the footsteps of French President Emmanuel Macron. In a speech on Thursday, Trudeau acknowledged that the cost of food is becoming increasingly unaffordable for many Canadians . "We know that food prices are rising," Trudeau said. "We are taking action to make sure that everyone can afford to put food on the table." Trudeau announced a number of measures to help Canadians cope with the rising cost of food, including: A one-time payment of $100 to low-income households A reduction in fuel taxes A cap on the price of electricity Trudeau also said that the government is working to increase food production in Canada. "We need to produce more food in Canada," Trudeau said. "We need to make our agriculture more sustainable." Trudeau's speech comes as food prices are rising around the world due to a number of factors, including the war in Ukraine, s

Iraq's anti-corruption commission launches scrutiny campaign for candidates vying in local election

  Iraq's anti-corruption commission has launched a scrutiny campaign for candidates vying in the upcoming local election. The campaign will focus on checking the candidates' financial records and identifying any potential conflicts of interest. The commission's chairman, Mohammed Hamza, said that the campaign is necessary to ensure that the election is fair and transparent. He also said that the commission is committed to fighting corruption in all its forms. The scrutiny campaign will involve a team of investigators who will review the candidates' financial statements, income tax returns, and other relevant documents. The investigators will also look for any evidence of corruption or wrongdoing. If the investigators find any evidence of corruption, they will refer the case to the Iraqi judiciary. The candidates could then be disqualified from the election or even face criminal charges. The scrutiny campaign has been welcomed by many Iraqis, who are tired of corruption

UN's work and mission 'more vital than ever': Guterres

  UN Secretary-General António Guterres has said that the organization's work and mission are "more vital than ever" in the face of the many challenges facing the world today. In his annual report to the UN General Assembly, Guterres highlighted the organization's work on a range of issues, including peace and security, development, human rights, and climate change. He said that the UN is "the only multilateral body with the global reach and mandate to address the interconnected challenges we face." Guterres pointed to the UN's role in helping to resolve conflicts, providing humanitarian assistance to people in need, and promoting sustainable development. He also said that the UN is playing a leading role in the fight against climate change. "The UN is more needed than ever," Guterres said. "We are facing a perfect storm of crises: war, hunger, climate change, and inequality. The world needs the UN to be stronger than ever before." G

UAE Oil Giant Plans European Trading Boost in Expansion Push

  The UAE's biggest oil producer, Abu Dhabi National Oil Co. (Adnoc) , is planning to boost its European trading operations in a bid to catch up with long-established rivals. Adnoc isseeking term contracts for crude, refined fuels and liquefied natural gas (LNG)in Europe , according to people with knowledge of the company's plans. The company is also looking to expand its presence in Africa, where it sees potential growth opportunities. Adnoc's trading unit is still in its early stages, but the company is hoping to make it a major player in the global energy market. The company has already hired several experienced traders, and it is planning to open new offices in Europe and Africa. The company is well-positioned to take advantage of the opportunities in the global energy market. With its strategic location and its vast resources, Adnoc is poised to become a major player in the years to come. I'm excited to see what Adnoc will do next. The company has a lot of

Discussions Highlight Kurdistan Region's Constitutional Rights and Financial Entitlements

  In a recent high-level discussion, the Kurdistan Region's constitutional rights and financial entitlements under the federal budget law took center stage. The meeting brought together key stakeholders to address this critical issue, emphasizing the importance of equitable distribution of resources and adherence to the law. Now, we all know the Kurdistan Region has been waving its flag for a while about getting its fair share of the budget cake. This conversation shows that they're still pushing for a solution that plays by the rules of the Iraqi constitution while making sure the region gets its rightful piece of the money pie. It's a sign that everyone at the table is ready to sit down, have a chat, and work things out, which is exactly what needs to happen to tackle this long-standing issue. As these talks keep on rolling, it's pretty clear that finding a fix for the Kurdistan Region 's financial share is a big deal. This ongoing chit-chat isn't just a

UAE President Meets with World Leaders at G20 Summit

  Guess who's been making some power moves at the G20 Summit in New Delhi? UAE President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan!   He had some serious sit-downs with world leaders to chat about trade, tech, climate change, and more. Joined by UAE Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Dubai Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, and other top leaders, they're really showing the UAE's global clout. The UAE has been part of the G20 crew for a while, even hosting the summit twice before. Sheikh Mohamed didn't stop at global politics – he talked youth empowerment and education for a brighter future. The meetings between Sheikh Mohamed and the world leaders are a sign of the UAE's growing global role and its commitment to working with other countries to address common challenges. Big kudos to UAE for stepping up on the world stage!

The UAE's Role in the G20 Summit

  The UAE's invitation to participate in the G20 summit is a testament to the country's growing importance on the global stage. The UAE is a reliable and responsible supplier of energy, and it plays a vital role in strengthening the global economy. The UAE has also been a strong advocate for climate action, and it is the host country of COP28, the next UN climate conference . The UAE has benefited from its participation in the G20 process in a number of ways. First, it has given the UAE a platform to share its views on global issues and to build relationships with other countries. Second, it has helped the UAE to mobilize international action on climate change. Third, it has helped to promote the UAE as a business and investment destination. The UAE is committed to playing a constructive role in the G20 summit . The UAE will work with other countries to address the challenges facing the global economy, such as climate change, food security, and inequality. The UAE will also

Iraqi Kurdistan Turns to Baghdad for Financial Assistance

  In a move highlighting the importance of regional cooperation, Iraqi Kurdistan isreaching out to Baghdad for a helping hand with their financial obligations. It's like that moment when you ask your buddy for a little cash to cover your share of the dinner bill, except on a much larger scale! Times have been tough, and meeting financial commitments has become a bit of a challenge for Kurdistan. So, they're doing what any friend in need would do – seeking assistance from their fellow Iraqis in the capital. This partnership between Kurdistan and Baghdad showcases the power of teamwork. They're coming together to ensure financial stability, and it's a reminder that sometimes, we all need a bit of support to keep things running smoothly. In a world where it's often every man for himself, this cooperative effort is a refreshing change. So, let's keep an eye on how this financial collaboration unfolds. After all, isn't it heartwarming when people lend a h

Iraq Eliminates Trachoma, a Leading Cause of Blindness

  Iraq has achieved a historic milestone by eliminatingtrachoma, a leading cause of blindness . The World Health Organization (WHO) announced the news on March 8, 2023, International Women's Day. Trachoma is a bacterial infection that can cause blindness if left untreated. It is spread through contact with eye secretions or flies. The disease is most common in areas with poor sanitation and hygiene. Iraq has been working to eliminate trachoma for many years. The country has implemented a comprehensive program that includes mass screening, treatment, and environmental interventions. The program has been successful in reducing the prevalence of trachoma in Iraq. In 2018, the prevalence of active trachoma was 10%. By 2022, the prevalence had dropped to 2%. The elimination of trachoma is a major achievement for Iraq. It is a testament to the country's commitment to improving the health of its citizens. The elimination of trachoma will also have a significant economic im

UAE Oil Giant Adnoc Invests in Carbon Capture Project

  Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (Adnoc) has announced that it will invest in a carbon capture project that will nearly triple its capacity to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it below ground. The project, which is set to be operational by 2026 , will capture 1.5 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions per year from Adnoc's Habshan natural gas processing facility. The captured carbon dioxide will then be pumped into an oil field where it will be used to boost oil production. This is a significant investment by Adnoc and is a positive step towards reducing the company's carbon emissions. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a key technology for mitigating climate change, and this project will help Adnoc to achieve its target of net zero emissions by 2045. I am no expert and from what I read and understand is that it is important for oil companies to invest in carbon capture and storage technologies if we are to reduce our emissions and mitigate climate c

Microsoft and G42 Partner to Bring Cloud and AI to the UAE

  Microsoft and G42, a leading technology company in theUnited Arab Emirates, have announced a new partnership to bring cloud andartificial intelligence (AI) solutions to the region . The partnership will see Microsoft's Azure cloud platform and AI services made available to G42's customers, as well as joint development of new AI solutions for the UAE market. The Microsoft-G42 partnership is a significant development for the UAE's cloud and AI ecosystem. It is expected to help the region to become a more attractive destination for investment and innovation. The partnership is also expected to have a positive impact on the UAE's economy, creating jobs and stimulating economic growth. What is interesting here is the potential for this partnership to help the UAE achieve its sustainability goals. I think cloud and AI can be used to develop innovative solutions to some of the UAE's most pressing environmental challenges, such as water scarcity and desertification.

Indonesia and Cambodia have been discussing cooperation enhancement in the agricultural sector

  The two countries are preparing to strengthen their cooperation on food security, with Cambodia allowing 100% foreign ownership for investment in the agricultural sector The cooperation is expected to help meet the needs of Indonesian food materials Cambodia is also set to assist Indonesia's rice needs , and there are conversations about the possibility of Indonesia investing in Cambodia's agricultural sector, particularly in areas such as rice milling This new chapter of cooperation in the agriculture sector is expected to be fruitful for the people of both countries

Iraq Signs Agreement with World Bank's IFC to Modernize Neglected Baghdad International Airport

  Baghdad, Iraq – In a significant step toward revitalizing its transportation infrastructure, Iraq has recently signed a groundbreaking agreement with the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, to modernize and upgrade the long-neglected Baghdad International Airport.   The airport, once a bustling hub connecting Iraq to the world, has faced years of neglect due to various challenges, including conflict and underinvestment. However, this new partnership with the IFC marks a pivotal moment in Iraq's efforts to revamp its aviation sector and reestablish its status as a regional transportation hub.   A Transformative Partnership The agreement, formalized in a signing ceremony attended by top government officials and representatives from the IFC, outlines a comprehensive plan to modernize key aspects of the airport, including infrastructure development, technological advancements, and operational efficiency enhancements.   The IFC, ren

The Safe Return of Sultan Al Neyadi and the UAE's Historic Space Mission

  The safe return of Sultan Al Neyadi to Earth today is a historic moment for the UAE and for the entire Arab world. Al Neyadi is the first Arab astronaut to travel to space, and his mission is a testament to the UAE's commitment to space exploration. Al Neyadi's mission was not without its challenges. He spent eight days aboard the International Space Station, where he conducted a variety of experiments and research. He also faced the challenges of living and working in space, which can be physically and mentally demanding. Despite the challenges, Al Neyadi persevered and completed his mission successfully. He returned to Earth a hero, and his achievement is an inspiration to people all over the world. Al Neyadi's mission is also a major milestone for the UAE. The country has been investing heavily in space exploration in recent years, and Al Neyadi's mission is a sign of its growing capabilities. The UAE is now one of a handful of countries in the world that ca

China Explores Ambitious Plans for 10 Energy Projects in Iraq

  China is in talks with the Iraqi government to build 10 energy projects , including power plants, in central and southern Iraq. More than 20 Chinese companies are discussing new projects in Iraq. The Chinese government encourages Chinese companies to participate in power station projects in Iraq Chun, the commercial advisor at the Chinese embassy in Baghdad, confirmed that Chinese companies built several power plants in Iraq.   These projects could mark a notable turning point in Iraq's efforts to bolster its energy infrastructure and expand its sources of power. While China has traditionally been a key player in Iraq's oil and gas sectors, the current proposals take a more diversified approach by incorporating renewable and sustainable technologies. These developments align with Iraq's goals of reducing its dependence on fossil fuels and enhancing energy security. The ten projects encompass various facets of the energy sector, from solar and hydroelectric power to natu